“Christian Woman Forced into Hiding Due to Threats of Violence Over Religious Conversion”

"Christian Woman Forced into Hiding Due to Threats of Violence Over Religious Conversion"

Christian Mother and Five Children Forced into Hiding Amid Religious Threats

Naseem Bibi, a devout Christian, and her five children have been compelled to seek refuge following grave threats of violence unless she converted to Islam. This harrowing ordeal has forced her to abandon her home in the company of her four daughters, aged 12, 14, 20, and 22, along with her 8-year-old son.

Naseem reports that an Islamic group operating in her locality has coerced approximately one hundred individuals, encompassing both Christians and non-Christians, into adopting the Islamic faith. As part of an aggressive campaign to entice conversions, she alleges that her husband and a close friend were offered individual houses, and the group pledged to cover the expenses for their daughters’ weddings.

Despite the group’s assertions that these conversions were voluntary, Naseem contends that individuals like herself were subjected to intense pressure.

Tragically, she faces threats from her own husband and his friend, who appear willing to accept the incentives for conversion. Naseem reveals that they are actively searching for her.

Speaking about her predicament, she stated, “We aspired to provide our children with an education, but our financial constraints prevented us from sending them to school.” She acknowledges the challenging circumstances but remains resolute, saying, “My eldest daughter is 22, and while we lack the means for her wedding, I cannot accept the proposition of converting to Islam with my children and marrying my daughters to Muslim men.”

Naseem lives in constant fear that she and her children may face peril if their place of hiding is revealed and if she continues to reject conversion to Islam.

A local church has offered temporary shelter to Naseem and her children, but their safety is uncertain, as inquiries about her whereabouts have been made recently. “I am frightened and attempting to relocate to a more secure location with my children,” she admitted. “They wield considerable influence, and our resources are insufficient for a confrontation. Urgent legal and financial assistance is desperately needed.”

She fervently concluded, “I was born a Christian and will remain a Christian until my last breath. I will exert every effort to nurture my children as devout Christians, ensuring they marry Christian partners and do not convert to Islam.”